I do not work for, nor have any direct contact with any FP team member, therefor have no control over how the commands work or don't work. If you find that a command does not work please comment below with the command and command path used so that this information can be relayed to TFP Devs through the bug report menu. For that reason YOU will need to type help after opening console and scroll to find desired command to check that the command spelling is correct. I rechecked each line, but mistakes do happen. Please be aware there may be typos in my Command List. I'd like to add screenshot examples of the command input pathing for easier clarification. **Note: If that list is not available in this Guide it will be added in later after updating with additional info & verifying existing info OR it will be available in a second guide after updating & verifying. Credit for the portion labeled "Detailed Help"** belongs to: SaltyMuffin | | He gives credit to user DEADication for his post in the official 7 Days to Die Forum. I had already made this list for personal use, but when I saw how outdated the last guide was I decided to go ahead and create an updated one. The most recent Console Command Guide I could find was done in 2017. The number 0 is a complete stop of action for the "rain" in command "weather". The complete CC path you would type after opening the console would look like this: weather rain 0 Example: To make the rain stop CC - weather Type of weather - rain variable amount - 0 enter. Some commands may have additional parameters that will need to be inputted with the original command. If this is used after F5 (3rd person), you can see the player running around in front of you.Console "Help" Commands for Alpha 20.2 (Feb 2022) 7DTDĪ list of Console Commands (CC) for various debug/player actions. This causes the camera to stop moving while the player continues to run around. The "DynamicPrefabs" option appears to be the "Prefab Menu" and allows prefabs to be spawned in-game but only when the menu's functionality is "unlocked" using a third party tool (See (Terrain-Tools)-dll-mod), which also unlocks usage of the J, L, and Z keys to define selections. Fall damage will be taken unless God Mode (Q) is turned on first. SHIFT+Q: Teleport the player to the cursor.Player takes no damage, can fly, and can clip through walls. F8: Use this key twice to show additional information other than FPS, such as player core temperature, wellness, and surrounding Heatmap strength.

Careful - some entities can't be killed (TraderTest) and the Entity Spawners will stay in your map forever. Shows a list of spawnable entities (zombies, traders, etc.). This doesn't work well if the player is already in God mode (G) or Flight Mode (H). The "switchview" or "sv" command in the console will also do this.

Ticks: The number of in-game ticks that have passed.Mem dump: Similar to the "mem" command in the console - Prints memory information and calls garbage collector.Close the game/server completely and restart to remove it.

Add light: Spawns a temporary light source at the player's cursor.Recalc stability: Fixes physics props that are floating in the air.Use the "teleport" command in the Command Console for fine-tuning. The player is always spawned on the ground. Set position: Teleports the player to the given X and Z coordinates.The menu to the right (shown with ESC key) has several quick options to modify your world or interact with the player. This will also enable the Creative Menu and all functionality therein. Open the Command Console (F1) and type dm, then hit ENTER.